Sunday 23 October 2011


Hey there, I'm Ellen :)

I'm not sure, but some of you may have come from WeAreTheCrowd; this is a more personal blog for me, I love writing and blogging so I wanted to carry on myself. I hope to post more of my outfits, photos and items I love as well as snaps of my life - we have so many loyal readers at WeAreTheCrowd and I hope I can fill the gap it has left for the while.

So for starters, here's a few things about me...

I love fashion, it's probably the only thing I have a real passion for, I'm just not sure I consider it to be a career option - I'm a bit of a nerd so I feel like I'm expected to become some sort of physicist or doctor of some kind...chemistry, physics and french are my favourite subjects at college and I'd love to be fluent in the languages of the fashion capitals!
I'm absolutely useless at sport of any kind and I'm slightly vertically challenged at 5'2", however I can 'rap' all of Superbass by Nikki Minaj so, ya know, that kinda makes up for it right?
Vanilla scones and afternoon tea are possibly the best things in the world.
I find it easiest to express my feelings through song lyrics, songs always remind me of someone...
I'm not a big animal fan and I can't stand the sound of people eating - it drives me insane!
My style was described in a comment on WeAreTheCrowd as "effortlessly ladylike edgy chick" - I'd like to think I come across like that :) I love the Parisian style of striped jumpers and basics but I also love the edgy looks you see on the likes of tumblr - I try to combine these two and switch things up a bit!

Anyways I'mma stop now!

Love Ellen xx

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